Real Estate

We help home owners, investors, lenders and borrowers facilitate smooth closing transactions.

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Congratulations on your real estate transaction and thank you for approaching Landmark Law!

For our affordable all-inclusive quotation for your transaction type, please click our Price Calculator and get started by completing one of our client kits.

We understand that buying or selling a home can be stressful and we are here to guide you and help make the process as smooth as possible.

At Landmark Law, we offering affordable, caring, and quality services. There are no hidden fees and our fees among the lowest in the GTA.

Real Estate Services

[Residential or Commercial Properties; Private or Institutional Mortgages]

  1. Purchase of Resale Residential Property [Click Here]
  2. Purchase of Residential Property from Builder [Click Here]
  3. Sale of Real Property [Click Here]
  4. Refinance [Click Here]
  5. Title Gift Transfers [Click Here]
  6. Survivorship Application [Click Here]
  7. Purchase Pre-assessment of NRST Rebate Eligibility [Click Here]
  8. Assessment of your NRST Rebate Application [Click Here]
  9. Non-Resident Speculation Tax Rebate Application [Click Here]
  10. NRST Rebate Notice of Objection [Click Here]
  11. NRST Rebate Notice of Appeal [Click Here]


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As a regular speaker of real estate law seminars, Principal Lawyer, Winnie J Luk, is delighted to cater towards your needs for quality legal services. Our firm has negotiated successfully in favour of clients on complex issues and has team capabilities to take on quick-turnaround transactions.

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As a regular speaker of real estate law seminars, Principal Lawyer, Winnie J Luk, is delighted to cater towards your needs for quality legal services. Our firm has negotiated successfully in favour of clients on complex issues and has team capabilities to take on quick-turnaround transactions.

海外買家税退稅計劃 Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST) Rebate Program - 2023更新

English Version | 简体版 自2023年1月1日起,加拿大聯邦政府禁止非加拿大人在兩年內購買住宅物業。 根據《禁止非加拿大人購買住宅物業法案》,在這段期間只有加拿大公民和永久居民可以在加拿大購買住宅物業。 但是,自 2023 年 3 月 27 日起,在有限情況下允許外國人在加拿大購買住宅物業。這項法律及其豁免條款適用于全加拿大。

Title Frauds and Title Insurance

1) Question: Lately in the news, I have been reading about reports on title fraud, where fraudsters are


保障業權知多點1)  問題:最近在新聞中,我一直在閱讀有關業權欺詐的報導,其中騙徒假裝是房屋業主,然後出售該房屋或對其進行再融資以詐取金錢。 我很擔心,我怎樣才能保護自己不成為受害者? 回答:騙徒通常選擇沒有按揭貸款或沒有索賠的房屋為目標。 騙徒可能認識業主或對房產進行查冊, 查明是否有任何債權或索賠。 騙徒對有債權或索賠的房屋不感興趣,因為如果不先償還貸款或賠償,這些房屋就無法出售、轉讓或再融資。 沒有債權或索賠的房屋是騙徒進行抵押貸款的最佳目標。 相反,

Get Started (Landmark Law's Client Kits)

Landmark Law is committed in providing all of our clients with transparency, a stress-free and simple process for their matters. Please refer to the different categories of Client Kits we have available for the different types of matters that you may require assistance.

COVID-19: 在保持社交距離或以視訊模式完成房產交易

英文 | 簡體版 本所將在COVID-19疫情期間維持每週7天營業(需提前預約),以方便彈性簽署及完成房地產交易。 在COVID-19疫情下,安大略省律師公會及律政司(透過緊急管理及民事訴訟法保護法所訂立的緊急法令)均為您在前所未有的情況下執行遺囑提供其他替代方案。 為此,本所亦準備了以下2項完成交易的方案。 1. 在保持社交距離下於戶外庭院簽署交易 *難易度:容易。這是最簡單及受歡迎的方法,但是客戶必須親臨本所的戶外庭院。 傳統的親身簽署手續將於本所的戶外庭院在保持距離及其他個人保護措施(

COVID-19: Transaction Closing by Social Distancing or Video

简体版  | 繁體版 Landmark Law is operating 7 days per week during COVID-19 (by appointment) to accommodate flexible signing
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