Just a Minute - Podcast Episode 39: Advance Care Planning Part 3
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[00:10] Welcome to a new episode of "Just a Minute" by Landmark Law. Today's episode is presented to you by Vicki on August 4th, 2023, to help educate our listeners on various legal scenarios.
[00:24] Today's episode will be Part 3 on Advance Care Planning.
[00:27] The Substitutes Decisions Act does not set out compensation guidelines for the appointed substitute decision maker.
[00:34] Although it is not common to do so, the Power of Attorney of Personal Care may set out that actual expenses are reimbursable. You may never need to use the advance care plan - but if you do,
[00:47] you'll be glad that it is available and that you have communicated your decisions to your loved ones, to ensure that your wishes are honored. If you do not appoint a substitute decision maker, the law determines these people, or the government will decide on your personal care choices as the last resort.
[01:03] Advanced care planning has been shown to increase the quality of life of patients, improve the experiences of family members, and decrease healthcare costs.
[01:13] Landmark Law Professional Corporation may assist in your Advanced Care and Wills and Estates planning matters.