Just a Minute - Podcast Episode 28: NRST + Notice of Objection
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[00:13] Welcome to a new episode of “Just a Minute” by Landmark Law. This episode is presented to you by Mabel on May 19, 2023, to help educate our listeners on various legal scenarios.
[00:27] BELL CHIME
[00:28] This week’s topic will focus on NRST, also known as, non-resident speculation tax. It is a 15-25% tax imposed on the purchase of residential property in Ontario by individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of Canada, or by foreign corporations.
[00:48] If you are a non-resident of Canada and purchased a real estate property that you paid Non-Resident Speculation Taxes on and later applied to the Ministry of Finance for a rebate but was denied, the next step would be to file a Notice of Objection, a form to object the decision made by the Ministry of Finance.
[01:08] The steps include completing and submitting a Notice of Objection to the Director, Advisory, Objections, Appeals and Services Branch at the Ministry of Finance. You must file this within 180 days of receiving the Statement of Disallowance, the statement that your application for rebate got denied.
[01:27] If you would like help with applying for your NRST rebate or objecting to or appealing a decision made by the Ministry of Finance, please book a free consultation with us today at www.landmarklaw.ca/book.