Compliance Questions – Arranging for or Bringing the Client to Prepare a Will and/or Powers of Attorney
Clients may occasionally request that family members or friends bring them to our law firm to consult with the Estates Lawyer rather than arrange or travel by themselves.
However, due to Law Society of Ontario compliance purposes:
a) We require the reason behind such arrangement;
b) Once the consultation is arranged, the client must independently explain to us his/her:
- instructions and wishes, and
- reasons behind such decisions in the Will and/or Powers of Attorney
privately without any other persons present other than law firm staff;
c) Our firm cannot take instructions from any persons other than the client;
d) Where translation services are required, our firm must be notified and our firm will confirm the consultation only if the appropriate language speaking staff is available;
e) All information discussed between the client and law firm remains confidential as between the client and law firm.
Disclaimer: This article does not contain legal advice and only provides general information. It does not establish a lawyer-client relationship. You should consult with a lawyer before you rely on this information.